Sunday, April 19, 2009


It finally feels like winter is over around here. I'm all healed up and ready to dance, so I've been out on my board as much as possible. Work's been super crazy and the concentration involved in working on cables has been too much to think about. All I want recently is instant gratification, fluff and relaxing.

So I tried my hand at something cute.

I used a needle too big, according to the pattern. It's noticeable; he's got little bitty holes in him that his stuffing is visible through. I partially cannibalized one of my old hamtaro stuffed animals. He's got a bit of a conehead action going on with lumpy face. I'm guessing that the smaller needle might make it less cone- and lump-ful.

I've been cooking tastiness too. More to follow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

More cheer!

So I'm still feeling all bitchy and exhausted, but the sun came out today. And even though I really wish I could go out and board in it, I still can't help but feel awesome in the sun. I tried going out for lunch and discovered just how much my shuffle-walk has been buggering up my knee while waiting for my groin to heal. Back on the couch with the legs up and taking pictures of my laptop love cove(r) from here.

laptop cover beginnings

Featured in the above image:
  1. My whittled chopstick/cabling needle - I started off knitting with sanded chopsticks of which I have too many. During that time, I began cabling. Scored the chopstick (okay, I was trying to cut all the way through) with a pair of scissors and then broke it in half off the kitchen counter. Serious mis-use of a paring knife. Hand sanded with left over sandpaper. Works awesome although I can really see the use of having a curved cabling needle.
  2. Wild oak cables - I think I'm doing these wrong. Or this is how they're supposed to look. I think the former.
  3. Super-easy twisty cables! - do these even have a name?
  4. My not-chopsticks-needles - in fact, they are bamboo ended circular needles. The pattern calls for circular needles, although I have yet to figure out why. Probably so the dudes the pattern is targeted to don't feel like grandmas with their needles. Obviously not comfortable with their granniness.
  5. Mah wicked yarn - probably going to get 30 rows out of one ball. Which means that I will need about 4 balls, maybe three and a half with the adaptations I made to the pattern.
I like numbered bullets. It's like I have something important to say. I wish I had thought to number my image for reference (zomg, which one is the cabling needle and which one is the circular needle?? she didn't number the image to correspond with her list!!)

You know what, food? I love you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A week, eh?

It has certainly been a week. I have progressed no further on any projects. My knitting lies untouched. My groin is nowhere near healed, or even responsibly weight-bearing. BSOD plagued me for days before I just bit the bullet and performed a system restore.

This has been a week of continuous frustration. I have amazing friends. But seriously, aside from a lent external harddrive and a wicked gift, I haven't had a chance to say to anyone: "please, just hold me and tell me I'm doing okay." I've been trying to help a friend through a rough patch. I am going through a rough patch, who is she to rely on me?

Bah, when do I have a good week anyway?

[end of rant]

My astonishing new linen shawl. I have been assured it can be used as a scarf, shawl, blanket, picnic cloth, towel, and protect me in a sandstorm. I love wearing it like a cape with my aviators, army pants and white flips flops. Am I incredibly hawt? Maybe.